Thursday, March 27, 2014

When I Was 5 I Killed Myself (1994) a.k.a. Quand j'avais 5 ans je m'ai tué

Director: Jean-Claude Sussfeld
Cast: Dimitri Rougeul, Salomé Lelouch, Hippolyte Girardot
Genre: coming of age...

This is a romantic story about a love too great to be accepted by the others, especially older generations. It can be a prepubescent version of Zeffirelli's "Endless Love". The lovers in Zeffirelli's movie are almost twice Gil's and Jessica's age, they are older teens, so they can be even more mad and wild, and the consequences of their actions can be more dangerous and tragic.

And I Galloped on the back of Blackey.
Until the end oh houses,
until the end of people...
Until there was nobody,
no more schools, no more prisons.
Nothing... just Jessica.

...sasvim je normalno da se samoubijes kada imaš 5. Sa 7 zaglaviš ludaru sve sa dilejama sto gutaju lego kocke i idu unatraške.

I sasvim je normalno sa 7 godina i dva meseca da te vezu i strpaju u samicu... Samo nije normalno da se zatrekaš u jednu Jessicu i za nju krokodilu isčupaš rep. 

Ciske the Rat (1984) / Holland

Director: Guido Pieters
Cast: Danny de Munk, Willeke van Ammelrooy, Herman van Veen
Genre: Coming of Age

What a horrible life eleven year old Ciske has had! This story is for all people who had horrible childhoods. It shows how difficult every day can be for some children, and how callous many adults are to the needs of these love-starved children. This film will break your heart, but it also speaks volumes about the resilience of the human spirit. Beautifully made. 


...Ciske je naročiti i šarmantni mali dasa
i tih 30tih godina u Amsterdamu
izgleda da za svakog ima mesta osim za njega, 

tj. za njega nema mesta ni u srcu njegove majke,
inace vrle radnice na lokalnoj stajgi,
ni u mislima svoga fiktivnog oca, pogađate mornara.
Ciske ima duha i tvrdu tikvu koja vrlo često strada zbog
njegovog dugackog jezika i sada već, nama drage, plahe naravi...

...po noveli Piet Bakker-a iz 1955, tada je snimljen i prvi film,
a kasnije je ekranizovan i mjuzikl.
Ako ste nekada mastali koji superheroj bi bio
najadekvatniji da vas brani u ovim teškim vremenima,
ja sam uveren da sa CiskeTOM,
rame uz rame, skok sa Ajfelove kule sa starim kišobranom
bio bi macji kašalj...

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Mitt Liv Som Hund a.k.a. My Life as a Dog (1985) / Sweden

Director: Lasse Hallström
Cast: Anton Glanzelius, Melinda Kinnaman
Genre: coming of age, bittersweet

My Life As A Dog, now this is a total delight. The film follows the life of Ingemar in his 12th year as he has to cope with the slow death of his mother. The film takes place in 1959 in Sweden, and is just right in its atmosphere. Hallestrom works wonders with Anton Glanzelius as Ingemar, and he gives a marvelous performance that is truly touching and real. 

...uvek nova impresija iskrsne kada nabasam na jos neki članak o ovom cult-classicu. Naime, jedan Amer je 1986 kao klinja gledao ovaj film, kasnije je postao pisac i ovako je započeo pasus...
"...i tada sam saznao da postoji jedna zemlja
koja se zove Švedska i u njoj takođe žive deca,
ali im je srce veće i jarkijih je boja..."...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Cure (1995) a.k.a. Goodbye my Friend

Director: Peter Horton
Cast: Joseph Mazzello, Brad Renfro, Annabella Sciorra
Genre: stunner, coming of age

The Cure is an outstanding real-life drama that deals with a very sensitive subject. It is the story of the profound and dear friendship between two boys, Eric and Dexter. The latter has acquired AIDS from a blood transfusion. Thus he and his mom (Annabella Sciorra) have become outcasts, shunned by the public and labeled as dangerous company, basically due to a common lack of public knowledge of the disease.

Hold on to this while you sleep,
and if you wake up and you scared...
You say; "wait a minute..."
"I'm holding Erik's shoe.
Why the hell would I be holding
some smelly basketball shoe?
A trillion light-years from the universe,
I must be here on earth safe in my sleeping bag...
Erik must be close by..."

Guess it's worth to try... 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bare Skyer Beveger Stjernene (1998) a.k.a. Only Clouds Move the Stars

Director: Torun Lian
Cast: Thea Sofie Rusten, Jan Tore Kristoffersen
Genre: coming of age, stunner

Bare skyer beveger stjernene" is a beautiful little piece about a girl dealing with her brother's death while the family temporarily disintegrates. At the same time she meets a boy and finds some sort of first bonding/love.


  ...ultimativni nivo melanholije koju ljudsko biće
može da podnese stalo je Njoj u džep u koji je usput
još i strpala oblake i zvezde i jednog Jacoba
i te stvari ne da za zivu glavu ili bar dok ne bude sigurna
da smo svi mi dobro...
a hrabrost ne haje za onog ko misli o posledicama,
zato je onom prdonji u raju slatko odbrusila:
"...dragi bože...
nismo se dugo obraćali jedan drugom,
a ja sam nesto zabrinuta.
Izgleda da si prestao da brines o ljudima...
ili i ne postojiš... ili si crko i truneš negde. Amin." 

Storm Boy (1976) / Australia

Director: Henri Safran
Cast: Greg Rowe, Peter Cummins, David Gulpilil
Genre: Coming Of Age, Hidden Gemm

A touching story about living in the Coorong, a hundred kilometre stretch of beautiful windswept dunes where the mighty Murray river meets the sea. Against this backdrop is the tale of a boy and his father living in isolation from the modern world. The story while fairly simple is very moving, and appeals to the child in all of us. The film moves at a leisurely pace, yet this enhances the feeling of vastness and remoteness, the tranquility and solitude of the setting. The star of the show is Mr. Percival, one of the pelicans the boy befriends as well as Fingerbone, an Aboriginal also living in the wilderness who gives a brilliant performance. 

...kako se gradi most? E, pa ovako: šansa da neki Australijanac (recimo iz oblasti Adelaide) nabasa na naš film "Vuk Samotnjak" je jedan prema milion, dok je šansa da neko sa ovih prostora nabasa i odgleda film Storm Boy, jednaka nuli. Kada se uz malo sreće šanse okrenu, nule se spoje i naprave most kojim ce se krug zatvoriti i tada možeš da putujes kroz vreme i dobacuješ se loptom sa svojim frendom, pelikanom Mr. Parsifalom...


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Les Diables (2002) a.k.a. The Devils

Director: Christophe Ruggia / France/Spain
Cast: Adèle Haenel, Vincent Rottiers, Rochdy Labidi
Genre: Coming of Age, shocker

Les diables is a powerful, delightful, 
poignant and terribly sad film. 
Hard to endure in many of its crucial moments...

...chronicles the struggle of an autistic girl 
and her brother trying to survive without their parents.   
Chloe (Adele Haenel) is 13, and has been 
profoundly damaged from a life of abandonment,
so much so that she refuses to be to be 
physically touched, and never speaks. 


Joseph:  Ako mi je oduzmete, 
ubiću se! -Ubićeš se? I šta onda? 
Ona me treba.  Bez mene ne može 
živeti ne može jesti , mogla bi umreti...

DVD-rip + Srb soft sub