Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Storm Boy (1976) / Australia

Director: Henri Safran
Cast: Greg Rowe, Peter Cummins, David Gulpilil
Genre: Coming Of Age, Hidden Gemm

A touching story about living in the Coorong, a hundred kilometre stretch of beautiful windswept dunes where the mighty Murray river meets the sea. Against this backdrop is the tale of a boy and his father living in isolation from the modern world. The story while fairly simple is very moving, and appeals to the child in all of us. The film moves at a leisurely pace, yet this enhances the feeling of vastness and remoteness, the tranquility and solitude of the setting. The star of the show is Mr. Percival, one of the pelicans the boy befriends as well as Fingerbone, an Aboriginal also living in the wilderness who gives a brilliant performance. 

...kako se gradi most? E, pa ovako: šansa da neki Australijanac (recimo iz oblasti Adelaide) nabasa na naš film "Vuk Samotnjak" je jedan prema milion, dok je šansa da neko sa ovih prostora nabasa i odgleda film Storm Boy, jednaka nuli. Kada se uz malo sreće šanse okrenu, nule se spoje i naprave most kojim ce se krug zatvoriti i tada možeš da putujes kroz vreme i dobacuješ se loptom sa svojim frendom, pelikanom Mr. Parsifalom...


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